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At Isle Exotics our focus is on family friendly pet lizards such as bearded dragons, leopard geckos, anoles and chameleons. We use specialist skilled breeders to ensure that we have the best quality animals.

Bearded Dragon

Bearded Dragons are the staple in the UK pet world, and the number one pet reptile. They are usually very docile pets, and are a great size, being big enough to be easy for children to handle, whilst not being too large to be an inconvenience to house. As a general rule of thumb, a Bearded Dragon requires a vivarium of 4′ x 2′ x 2′, though the more space you can provide for them, the better. They are not a social animal, and are best housed alone. We are able to get various stunning morphs of Bearded Dragons, get in touch if you’re after something specific.

Leopard Gecko

The Leopard Gecko is a ground dwelling gecko found in arid, rocky grassland and desert habitats in South Asia. They’re a great family pet – although they do prefer to come out in the evening. Easily to handle and usually very docile with sweet cheeky faces, what’s not to love? Our Leopard Geckos come in a HUGE variety of morphs, we always have different morphs available in the shop. As a general rule of thumb, a Leopard Geckos requires a vivarium of 3′ x 2′ x 2′, though the more space you can provide for them, the better. They are not a social animal, and are best housed alone.

Crested Gecko

The Crested Gecko is an arboreal gecko and can be quick and agile, but also have a docile temperament and are commonly handled. Being perfectly built for the trees, your enclosure will require a good amount of height and opportunity to climb. A minimum of 45 x 45 x 90cm should house an adult, yet they would utilise more space if provided. They tend to be brown – yellowy/orange in colour, though they are available in many different morphs. Please get in touch if you’re after something in particular. They have ‘cat like’ eyes and long eye lashes as well as large feet with sticky toes and a semi-prehensile tail – making them perfect for climbing and an interesting and attractive gecko.


A small arboreal lizard native to the United States. Green Anoles are very active lizards but not generally handleable due to their nervous temperament.

Their small stature, visually appealing green coloration, and relatively short life span of 2-4 years makes anoles an ideal pet for people who don’t have room for huge vivariums. Green anoles are easily maintained in 10-gallon glass aquariums or other enclosures of a similar size.  Screen tops are a must for this species to ensure adequate ventilation.  Two anoles can be kept in a 10-gallon enclosure so long as both anoles are female or one is male.  Two males will fight and stress each other out.  A 20-gallon tank can comfortably house 3-4 anoles.



Chameleons are an intriguing and fascinating animal, that can be truly spectacular pets. There are different species, such as Yemen Chameleons, which are smaller and generally less colourful, or Panther Chameleons. There are dwarf species through to giant species, such as the Parsons Chameleon.

As a general rule, male chameleons live longer than females, though females do tend to be more docile and easier to handle, though this can vary by species.

A minimum of 60 x 45 x 90cm should be used to house your chameleon – though any more space is sure to be utilised and a huge benefit to the animal. This does vary for each different species so please check before buying a terrarium.

Below you can find our stocklist of lizards available now.

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At Isle exotics we love snakes. Our stock is always changing and as a result our list isn’t always up to date. If there is a particular snake you are after and don’t see it on or list we may still be able to locate it for you so please do give us an email or call with your wish list.

Corn Snakes

The corn snake (Pantherophis guttatus)is one the most popular reptiles kept in captivity, they are relatively easy to care for, can have calm temperament and although they can reach 6ft in length, they are quite a slender snake so are easily housed and handled. A 2ft enclosure is a great starting point for this and the monkfield 24inch terrainum is a popular choice. In the wild they are a mottled orange, red and black colour but several generations of selective breeding have created hundreds of different colours and patterns (morphs), which has made them extremely popular pet keepers, collectors and breeders too. They can live for as long as 20 years in captivity so a commitment to their long-term care is important when deciding to own this reptile.


Ball Pythons

Ball python, or royal python is a medium sized species of snake that originally evolved in the climates of sub-Saharan Africa. A small snake by python standards, the royal python is non-venomous and is often called the Ball Python due to its tendency to wrap itself up into a coil like shape, especially when picked up. Ball pythons start off small like all snakes, but rarely exceed 200cm in length, with the females tending to squeeze in those extra few inches to become the bigger of the two. This generally non-threatening size and usually calm temperament means that handled properly from hatchlings, they rarely lash out, making them easy and docile pets for captivity in the UK.

Ball pythons when reaching adulthood preffer long terrestrial vivariums such as a VivExotic Viva+ Terrestrial Vivarium Large Oak.


Rainbow Boas

Brazilian Rainbow Boas are slender bodied snakes that average between 5-7 feet long.  They are arguably one of the most beautiful snakes in the world.  Brazilian Rainbow Boas typically range from deep red to bright orange. Rainbow Boas are well known for their amazing iridescence caused by microscopic ridges on their scales that create a rainbow glow when they reflect light. They also have bold crescent moons on their side that contrast their amazing colour. Adult Rainbow Boas do best with at least 4-6 square feet of space. The key components are a secure enclosure with a large water bowl and a place to hide. 


Below you can find our stocklist of snakes available now.

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Pac-Man Frogs

Pacman Frogs are also known as Argentine Horned Frogs, Ornate Horned Frogs, and Horned Frogs. They are very popular because of the variety of colours they come in. These frogs are not very active. They spend a lot of time sitting half-buried in the substrate of their enclosure, waiting for food. You can house your adult Pacman Frog in a 10 gallon terrarium. Babies can be kept in small, plastic reptile enclosures. Make sure you provide enough substrate (about 1″ deep for young frogs and 2-3″ deep for adult frogs). Pacmans love to burrow into the substrate and sit with just their eyes showing. 

African Dwarf frogs

African dwarf frogs originated in the rivers and streams of central Africa. They are fully aquatic, but they do need to come up and take warm air from the water's surface periodically. African Dwarf frogs are one of the most popular aquatic frogs as they’re busy and active creatures that can be very enjoyable to observe. It doesn’t matter when you happen to be near your tank, they always seem to be up to something! Also, African Dwarf Frogs only require a moderate level of care and get along great with their tank mates. To set up a tank for an African Dwarf Frog, you’ll need to start by finding the proper-sized aquarium. The aquarium can be as long as you want, but the height should be 12 inches.  The size of the tank should be adjusted depending on the number of frogs. A great start is 5 gallons per frog or more.


Below you can find our stocklist of Amphibians available now.

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Sulcata Tortoise


The sulcata tortoise (Geochelone sulcata), also known as the African spurred tortoise, is one of the largest tortoise species in the world.

Native to arid and semiarid regions of Africa, these tortoises can adapt to various living conditions, which is one reason why they have become popular as a pet. Sulcata tortoises are quiet like all other tortoises, and they are big and slow. They also tend to be curious creatures, sometimes to their detriment. They can easily get stuck in spaces that are too small for them, as well as flip themselves over and be unable to right themselves. As pets, these tortoises are generally pleasant and docile. 


Below you can find our stocklist of Chelonians available now.


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